Zach's Role

I handled most of the level design for the game, as well as the audio asset creation (outside of music) and took on a Project Manager role to boot. I made whiteboxes, created and modified sound assets, and helped with the integration of the dialogue system (arguably, the main system in the game). When we started this project, I went right to work laying out the foundations for a successful project. I would say that the game's essential elements and core systems laid heavily on the work the team did in just the first few weeks of the semester -- everything else built off of that. I planned to take a more reserved role for the latter half of the semester, to facilitate better my role as Project Manager, but I ended up being needed by the coding team to take a hands-on approach. I must say, I'm glad I did end up taking the reins, so to speak, on that part of the project. It was a rewarding experience, and taught me a lot about how useful scriptable objects can be in the experienced hands of a coder like El. Overall, I think the final product of the project speaks for itself, but I am very happy with how I performed and communicated this semester.

Get Sn. Design Project: Green Over Green

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