Calvin Briscoe's Role

My name is Calvin Briscoe, the publishing producer for Green Over Green, as well as a scripter with a focus on FMOD and, later, general gameplay integration.

In the early parts of development, I was focused on scripting several of the core systems. These would include scripts to change between scenes within a day and for the collection and use of items in puzzles, as well as the creation and use of inventory thumbnails from the project thumbnails generated by Unity. I also made an early prototype of the dialogue system, which would be replaced with a more complex system later in development. I had plans to develop a branching dialogue system as well, but those were cut in the final release.

Later on, as more of the music and sound effects were created, I shifted into working less on systems and more on FMOD integration. It was also at around this time, however, that the models were created, rigged, and animated. The only problem was that the team's animator needed help with Unity's animation system. This led to me offering to assist in the integration of the animations, moving me away from the more specific FMOD integration scripting I had been formally assigned and into a more general asset integration role. I would spend the last parts of development on implementing the audio and animations, modifying parts of the AI and dialogue scripts created by Elian to accommodate the new animator controllers being created for the NPCs and making changes to the transition script I had made early in development to properly change the music between scenes.

There were also a number of minor changes I made in the later stages of development, particularly in the area of quality assurance. Some of the changes other people made, as well as some of my own early decisions, ended up being modified in the later part of the project, either because they didn't work or because they could be made better. Some of these changes were things like adding bus stop signs to scenes, making minor alterations to the scenes' hierarchies because of parenting issues, changing public variable assignments, and adding event systems to some scenes to prevent the game from becoming impossible to complete.

Overall, while many of my contributions aren't necessarily the most obvious, I am still glad that I was able to contribute to the project, and that I was able to get the things the artists made to work with the script Elian and I made, and that the team was able to successfully put together a functional experience.

Get Sn. Design Project: Green Over Green

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